Hey there, I want to take the time to first of all say, thank you entirely for taking the time to read this post— it’s appreciated so much more than you can even understand.
My name is Ilolo Izu and I am here to document my journey into a new field, a new career, and ultimately, a new change for the better. I spent the last two years after graduating from Texas A&M, with a plan to be the best Physician Assistant that I could be. My degree was in Allied Health and I was so passionate to begin my career in healthcare in May of 2021, studying for my Master's degree.

Long story short, I realize that the joy that I once felt while helping and serving others couldn’t necessarily be fulfilled in the way that I thought it could, in healthcare. The long nights of studying and loneliness really took a toll on my mental health. It was hard to be passionate about studying medicine when I realized that had lost the joy for the field.
It took me some time to realize that for me to help build a future I would be proud of, I would really have to work to also be my best self. The change would come after many nights and days of long thought, prayer, and advice-seeking conversation. When the decision was made to take that leap of faith away from my medical path, I can recall feeling the biggest lift off my shoulders that I had ever felt—the relief was supreme. I was instantly adamant about job searching and finding whatever career I may pursue next. I took the time to make a plan that I had thought about for a long time, created the pros and cons list, and took that leap! It’s easy to be motivated when I know that I was able to be successful in a field in which I performed against the odds. If I can do it once, I can do it again.
So… I write this short summation of emotion, grit, teamwork, and faith not to create some sort of pity story, but rather to gain excitement in the long road ahead. To gain… Anticipation? Eagerness? Excitement? Regardless of the adjective, I believe that this step is one that will really shape me into the person I know I can be proud of. Following the path that I believe that will grant me the greatest financial and self-fulfilling freedom.